Fairtrade Celebration

Fairtrade Fortnight 2016This afternoon Mrs Walker and Miss Whiteley accompanied 4 children, Ayesh, Nishta, Harvey and Daniel to Leeds Civic Hall.  The children had been invited to  participate in the annual Fairtrade Celebration organised by Fairtrade Leeds and Leeds DEC.

Upon arrival the group were able to select two workshops each that they wanted to be involved in. The girls chose a bunting activity and the Chocolate game while the boys opted for Football Fever and the Buzzing Honey workshop.

The afternoon was spent listening to speakers watching Fairtrade films and participating in the workshops.

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We also learnt that you can also get Fairtrade footballs and Daniel was presented with a football from company Bala on behalf of school.




The Beehive Assembly

This morning, Roger Robertson from local business The Beehive led an assembly. He talked to the children about what Fairtrade means, how we can help and used bananas as an example.


Roger left with Mirs Walker and Miss Whiteley a selection of Fairtrade products (chocolate, tea, coffee, biscuits, friendship bands, pens and many more items) these will be on sale after school on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.


Fairtrade Fortnight Assembly



Fairtrade Fortnight is almost here!

To start off our celebrations and to help raise awareness of all things Fairtrade, local business, The Beehive will be visiting school and leading an assembly on Monday 29th February.

The Beehive aims to promote Fairtrade by providing information and selling Fairtrade products.

Visit The Beehive’s website for more information http://www.thebeehiveshop.org.uk/

Fairtrade Workshops

DSCN0851As part of our Fairtrade fortnight, four classes have participated in workshops today.

Year 5 took part in a Combatting Global Change workshop while year 3 learnt what it is like to be a cocoa farmer.


Both workshops were organised and led by Leeds DEC.

“It was really interesting and I had no idea how global warming has a really big effect on the whole world” Year 5 pupil

“Very engaging activities that got the children thinking about climate change, really well delivered with great resources” Miss Kelly“

DSCN0854Excellent interactive activities that included all the children.”Miss Holbrook on the cocoa farmer workshop.